
Map of Malingao- Philippines

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Malingao is a populated place in the region of North Cotabato, the country of The Philippines with an average elevation of 9 meter above sea level. The area is mildly densely populated with 440 people per km2 . The nearest town larger than 50,000 inhabitants takes about 1:47 hour by local transportation.

An estimated 2.82{547cbff49ae43dab967968bd6def2d815e2a0e5eee2ac29a9ae2039c61ab811b} of the children below 5 years old are underweight, with a mortality of 46 per 1,000 births.

Malingao can have destructive (viii) earthquakes (on average one every 50 years), with occurances at >7 Richter. When a strong earthquake occurs, damage will be slight in specially designed structures but considerable in ordinary substantial buildings with partial collapse. Heavy furniture is moved. Poorly built structures will be demolished. There is a medium-low occurence of periods with extreme drought. Flooding risk is very high. There is a low chance of cyclones hitting Malingao.

Population: 1,121,974 people

Languages spoken: Tagalog, English, Finnish

Currency: Peso (PHP)

Image result for PHP (Peso) banknotes


April is warmest with an average temperature of 33.5 °C at noon. January is coldest with an average temperature of 22 °C at night. Malingao has no distinct temperature seasons, the temperature is relatively constant during the year. The temperatures at night are cooler than during daytime. March is on average the month with most sunshine. Rainfall and other precipitation peaks around October. The time around February is driest.


Malingao has a humid (> 0.65 p/pet) climate. The land area is not cultivated, most of the natural vegetation is still intact. The landscape is mostly covered with mosaic croplands/vegetation. The climate is classified as a tropical wet (no dry season), , with a subtropical moist forest biozone . The soil in the area is high in nitosols, andosols (nt), soil with deep, clay-enriched lower horizon with shiny ped surfaces.